In any case, this Bot Lane requires Thresh to make all the engages, unless Aphelios has his Gravitum (Purple Gun), which allows him to root enemies in place. This is because his kit can either be used aggressively or passively, meaning you can either hook into the enemy Bot Laner and flay them and use your Ult to slow them or you could hook enemies off Aphelios, and use your flay to push enemies away from Aphelios and then use the Ult to slow their chase down.
Thresh’s kit allows for him to be both a great engager and a great peeler for Aphelios. Aphelios & ThreshĪphelios is one of the most overpowered champions in League of Legends right now however, while he has an abundance of damage and tools to use, he lacks mobility, making him one of the easiest ADCs to jump onto.
#League of legends auto queue bot plus#
Another plus to this lane is that it’s basically ungankable post-6, because of Xayah’s Ult and Rakan’s Ult and the distance of his E. Overall, this lane offers the duos who play it extreme damage and extreme outplay potential. By doing it this way, Rakan’s engage will be a surprise because he should be hidden away in a brush. This means that Rakan should be using his E (Shield Dash) to connect to Xayah and then look to Flash Ult, W the enemies. Or if you want to maximize potential with this lane, then Rakan should be looking to engage of Xayah. Doing this properly should allow Xayah enough time to get her root combo off, which is Q, W, Auto-Attack, E.

For the most part though Rakan should be the one engaging with a Flash Ult into a W knock-up. To play this lane properly, Rakan should always be the one engaging unless Xayah can get a Q, Auto, E combo off rooting the enemies, and in that case well then Rakan should instantly engage. He also gets an Auto-Attack speed buff when Xayah uses her W, meaning that you can now output damage as well.Īll of these buffs to Rakan mean more outplay potential and more engage options during Lanning phase. For instance, Rakan gets a tremendous range extension to his E when using it on Xayah. Rakan on his own is an A-tier Support, but pair him with a Xayah and he instantly jumps to an S++-tier, and this is because of the buffs that Xayah gives to Rakan. Xayah and Rakan, while being mechanically challenging champions, are some of the best duo-fighters in the game, and this is because of how their kits are designed.

The Lovers Duo! It should come to no surprise that this Bot Lane duo made the list of best duo Bot Lanes.